Whether you’ve just been diagnosed or are already being treated for melanoma, you can help your doctor take better care of you by sharing any new or changing symptoms. What you say today will help shape your treatment plan.
Newly diagnosed:
What stage is my melanoma?
What are my treatment options?
What treatment do you recommend?
What are the next steps?
Already being treated:
Is my treatment working?
If my first treatment doesn’t work, what else do you recommend?
I’m having side effects from my treatment. What can I do?
How often should I make an appointment for skin checks?
What can I do to protect my skin in the future?
TIP: Always share with your doctor any updates since your last visit—from new medicines to major life changes. These can impact your health. And be honest about how you’re feeling and whether you’re following your treatment plan. Your doctor can’t help you if he doesn’t know what’s really going on.
All Rights Reserved | Frontline Dermatology | Rosa Stocker, ARNP